Welcome to Tonglu.
因《富春山居图》而闻名遐迩的山水画城,将迎来它的首届艺术盛会 Tonglu, ChinaA Chinese landscape made famous in paintings lands its first art fest
Completed in 1350, “Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains” is a touchstone of traditional Chinese shanshui, or landscape painting—a flowing visual journey along the Fuchun River and mountains that, when fully unrolled, extends more than 22 feet long.
这幅画由元代四大知名画家之一,黄公望所创作。他为了完成这幅留在手卷上的绝世名作,独自在桐庐富春江畔隐居三年。从那时起,掩映于浙江省东部群山间的世外桃源——“桐庐”(距离上海西南部168英里,约270公里),成为了一代代中国艺术家和作家的灵感来源地。 Painter Huang Gongwang, one of the Four Masters of the Yuan dynasty, lived in seclusion alongside the Fuchun River, in Tonglu, for three years before completing this handscroll masterpiece. Ever since, tranquil Tonglu—tucked in the mountains of eastern Zhejiang Province, 168 miles southwest of Shanghai—has been a source of inspiration for generations of Chinese artists and writers.
2021年,桐庐再次成为艺术界的聚光点。原定于2020年秋季举行的首届桐庐艺术三年展(“大地艺术节”),由于疫情原因推迟至2021年春季。此次艺术盛会将在富春江畔,在幽幽绿野中,向公众展示现代艺术作品装置,同时借此盛会,推动乡村旅游业的发展。大地艺术节的总策展人、艺术总监北川富朗(Fram Kitagawa)说道,“桐庐”这个词本身,就形象地体现了这场盛会的精神。 In 2021 Tonglu is once again in the art spotlight. The first TongluArt Triennale, originally scheduled for autumn 2020 but postponed due to the pandemic to spring 2021, will display modern art installations in fields and along the river—and, the hope is, boost rural tourism. Festival curator and director Fram Kitagawa, founder of Japan’s Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, says the very word “Tonglu” embodies the spirit of the event.
北川富朗解释道,“在这个季节,富春江上的雾与青山间飘荡的云相互交织着,这似曾相识的美景,使我联想起年少时观赏的一幅幅中国山水画。” -陆逸(《国家地理》特约中国旅行者) He explains, “At this season, the fog on the Fuchun River and the clouds in the mount
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